Financial Aid

First-Year Students

Discover financial aid resources for students entering the first-year of a bachelor's or pre-pharmacy program

applying for aid

First-year students will find helpful information below about the financial aid process at ACPHS. 这些指导方针在这里是为了帮助确保你得到最有用的类型的经济援助,为您的个人情况. 如需更多指导,请全球十大赌博靠谱的平台 Office of Financial Aid

Complete the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).

All applicants seeking federal financial aid should file the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). FAFSA将于2023年12月1日生效. You will need to apply for a Federal Student Aid ID online prior to completing the FAFSA.

ACPHS Federal School Code - 002885

FAFSA Priority Deadlines
  • November 1st - Early Decision
  • December 1st - Early Action
  • 2月1日——例行决定

Types of Financial Aid

Federal Aid 
联邦援助由政府发放的补助金组成, 直接联邦学生贷款和勤工俭学选择. 联邦学生贷款项目提供低利率和, when used with discretion, 提供一个负担得起的选择,以满足高质量教育的成本. 

State Aid
You can apply for New York state aid, such as the New York State Tuition Assistance Program.

Institutional Aid*
ACPHS offers institutional scholarships and grants based upon established criteria of merit and/or need. All awards are based upon full-time enrollment each semester, unless otherwise indicated. 财政援助办公室将每年评估你的资格.

Institutional Merit Based Aid -根据您之前的学习成绩授予经济援助.
Institutional Need Based Aid - financial aid awarded based on both your prior academic performance and financial need. 基于需求的奖学金要求你每年提交FAFSA.

*所有奖项会因学生情况的改变而有所调整, or receipt of other federal, state or private funds. In addition, awards will be adjusted as part of required corrections or verification of data reported on the student’s FAFSA.

*Awards will be renewed on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are expended. Awards may not be renewed to students who do not adhere to the FAFSA filing deadline of March 1. Awards will not be renewed to students with incomplete financial aid paperwork after May 1.

有关机构、联邦和州援助的详细分类,请参见 奖学金、贷款和助学金.

discover acphs tuition & fees

奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院的学杂费每年由学院董事会批准. The Office of Student Accounts handles student accounts and will assist you with any questions you have regarding your bill.


It is never too early to begin to think about additional options to finance your education. 以下是你可能想要考虑的常见选择:

  • Federal Parent PLUS Loan
  • Private Student Loans
  • Sponsor Loans
  • Home Equity Loans
  • Payment Plans
  • 529 Savings Plans
  • Employer Benefits
  • Private Scholarships
  • 财政援助办公室每年都会收到来自学生和家庭的全球十大赌博靠谱的平台学生贷款产品信息的大量请求. Students and families who wish to obtain student loans should always consider federal student loans first. 我们强烈鼓励所有学生和家庭彻底研究融资方案,并选择他们选择的贷方,以利用最适合他们的财务状况的选择.

  • 为了帮助我们的学生,我们编写了一份 suggested lender list 基于向借款人提供的优惠条款和条件. 在这一努力中,我们得到了 纽约州学生贷款问责制、透明度和执行法案.
  • In order to compile the list, 财政援助办公室完成了信息请求(RFI)流程. The financial aid staff compiled a RFI questionnaire for all interested lenders to complete. All of the RFI reports submitted by the given deadline were reviewed thoroughly by the financial aid staff. After review, 财政援助工作人员开会讨论RFI文件,并获得必要的额外信息,以回答审查过程中提出的所有问题. As a result of this process, the financial aid staff determines which lenders met the criteria established in our RFI document. 列出的贷款机构符合以下要求(排名不分先后):
    • 是否有灵活的客户服务时间来满足学生和家庭的需求
    • Have low student loan default rates in all categories: nationally, within NY, and for ACPHS students
    • 为私人学生贷款提供低利率结构
    • Have low back- and front-end fees charged to the borrowers in the private student loan products
    • 为学生和家长提供信贷决策的快速周转
    • 基于信用的学生贷款的批准率高吗
    • Agree to allow a student to view the RFI materials with the VP of Enrollment Management in the Office of Financial Aid, upon request from the student

许多学生将获得助学金, 州和联邦政府的奖学金和贷款, 学院和其他私人机构. In the 2018-19 academic year, 100% of incoming students received financial assistance.

All students are expected to apply for federal and state grant programs for which they may be eligible. Students are also expected to use the Federal Direct Stafford Loan Program when necessary. 学生需要每年提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)或更新FAFSA,以确定经济援助资格.

学生必须有未满足的需求,才有资格获得基于需求的援助. 学院将通过从学生的就读费用中扣除联邦预期家庭捐款来确定学生未满足的经济需求. 基于需求的奖励数量有限,先到先得, 首先为满足学院财政援助截止日期的学生提供服务.

The filing deadline for the FAFSA is February 1 for new students and March 1 for returning students. 鼓励学生以电子方式提交FAFSA或更新FAFSA. Students without Internet access may mail the paper FAFSA form to the federal processor. 联邦处理人员将对家庭收入进行分析, assets, number in household and number of family members attending college using the federal methodology formula.

联邦方法公式是由美国政府批准的.S. 国会每年确定家庭的预期贡献. 被选中进行核实或更正的学生必须提交学生证副本, 配偶和父母在5月1日前向财政援助办公室签署国税局税务记录(今年4月提交)和W-2表格以及联邦验证工作表. 随后在5月1日之后被选中进行验证的学生必须在财政援助办公室书面通知后60天内提交这些文件. The Office of Financial Aid cannot process financial-aid awards for students who do not meet the above deadlines.

经济援助办公室将根据以下公式确定学生的经济需求:就读成本减去预期家庭贡献等于经济需求. 除了提交所需的表格和证明经济需要, the student must continue to maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible for federal, 国家和机构财政援助奖.

确定经济援助资格和学生贷款延期的学生入学状态仅包括学位履行所需的课程. 你注册的学位课程不需要的课程不符合付款或学生贷款延期的条件.

联邦法规要求财政援助办公室监督参加全球十大赌博靠谱的平台(ACPHS)的学生的学业进展。. 重要的是要注意学术进步标准(SAP)是分开的, and in addition to, the Academic Standing policy and progression requirements established in the Academic Regulations section of the catalog. 所有学生,不分专业, grade level and course load will be evaluated with the same standards for federal and institutional aid eligibility.

Frequency of SAP Evaluations
财政援助办公室将在每年6月审查SAP, 春季学期后成绩公布. 对于没有获得第四章援助的学生,这个标准比学院的学术地位政策更严格.

Qualitative Standard
所有学生必须在学院有良好的学术成绩. 就读理学学士学位或药学博士学位的学生必须保持最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.在每学年结束的时候. 从2011-2012学年开始, 所有药学博士的学生必须有最低的累积GPA 2.5 to graduate. Students enrolled in a Master's degree program must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在每学年结束的时候. In addition, 高等教育法要求所有学生, 在他们第二年结束的时候, 累积平均绩点至少为“C”,或者学术成绩符合项目的毕业要求.

All students must progress toward degree completion at a defined cumulative rate. Completed coursework and credit hours earned are defined as any course for which a student receives a passing grade. The examples below specify the minimum number of credits the student must earn to progress successfully.

Doctor of Pharmacy Example


Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Total Attempted

Must earn at least

1st Year




35学时x 50% = 18学时

2nd Year




70学时x 67% = 47学时

3rd Year




104学时x 67% = 70学时

4th Year




139学时x 67% = 93学时

5th Year




175学时x 85% = 149学时

6th Year




211学时x 95% = 200学时

Master's Degree Example


Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Total Attempted

Must earn at least:

1st Year




18学时x 67% = 12学时

2nd Year




36学时x 67% = 24学时

Bachelor's Degree Example


Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Total Attempted

Must earn at least :

1st Year




33学时x 67% = 22学时

2nd Year




66学时x 67% = 44学时

3rd Year




100学时× 67% = 67学时

4th Year




132学时x 67% = 88学时

Process for Pass/Fail Courses, Incompletes, Withdrawals, Repetitions, and Transfer of Credit 

  • Courses with grades of P in a Pass/Fail courses will be counted in the quantitative standard only.
  • Course incompletes and withdrawals are counted in the quantitative standard only.
  • 重复课程将只计算在数量标准中.
  • 转学学分将只以数量标准计算.
  • Students who change their major will be placed on the chart for the semester in which they are entering.

如果学生未能维护SAP, 他们将失去资格,直到他们将累积GPA提高到最低标准和/或弥补学分不足.

情节严重而未能完成SAP课程的学生, such as injury, illness, 亲属死亡或者有其他特殊情况的, 对他们成功完成课程的能力造成重大影响的项目是否会向财政援助主任提出申请. 学生应向财政援助主任提交一封信,并附上证明禁止学生制作SAP的不寻常或特殊情况的文件. 这必须包括对情况的全面描述和至少两名可以验证信息的合格人员的文件.

In addition, 学生必须解释他们的情况发生了什么变化,这将使学生在下一次评估中满足SAP的要求. In cases of student injury, 学生患病或直系亲属死亡, the Director of Financial Aid may decide to review the appeal before proceeding to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The student must submit a letter of appeal and associated documentation to his/her case by June 29. 截止日期后2-4周内, 财政援助上诉委员会将审查上诉, 写一封推荐信并寄一封回复信.

Financial Aid Probation
如果学生未能通过SAP,并且成功地就其失去的经济援助资格提出上诉,则会被分配到试用期状态. Students in this status will have their financial aid reinstated for one payment period. At the end of that payment period students will be reevaluated for federal and institutional aid eligibility.

Academic Plan
如果财政援助上诉委员会决定, based on the student's appeal, that it will take more than one payment period for the student to meet progress standards, 将给予留校察看,并制定学习计划. 处于这种状态的学生将在一个付款期结束时对其进度进行审查,以确定学生是否符合学术计划的要求. 是否遵循学术计划, 学生将重新获得联邦学生援助的资格, as long as they continue to meet the requirements set forth in the academic plan. 学生可以通过解释发生了什么、做出必要的改变以及他们将如何继续满足SAP的要求来呼吁改变他们的学术计划.

Reestablishing Aid Eligibility
如果学生未能维护SAP, 他们可以通过将累积GPA提高到最低标准和/或在没有联邦或机构援助的情况下弥补学分不足来重新获得资格.

学生必须在学术课程公布长度的150%的最长时间内完成学位. 参加药学博士课程的学生必须在9年内完成他们的教育目标(6年× 150%)。. 参加任何学士学位课程的学生必须在6年内完成他/她的教育目标(4年× 150%)。. 注册硕士学位课程的学生必须在课程长度的150%内完成他/她的教育目标.