An academic minor is offered by a department. 它是一个明确的程序,反映了一个或多个学科的连贯的知识体系. 辅修课程至少需要18个学分. 除非在特定未成年人的描述中另有说明,以下内容适用于所有未成年人.
- 至少一半的必修学分必须达到该未成年人规定的高级水平(300级或以上).
- 学术辅修课程与满足专业要求的课程具有相同的智力严谨性.
- 要成功完成辅修课程,累积最低GPA必须达到2分.辅修课程必须达到0分.
- A minimum of 6 credits must be provided by non-required courses of the program (free electives/professional electives/bioselectives/directed electives/liberal arts electives are not considered required courses for the purposes of Minor completion.
- 学生不能辅修正在修专业的科目.
- A minor cannot be completed after graduation.
- One course (3 to 4 credits) required for the minor may be taken outside ACPHS with approval from the chair of the department which houses the minor.
Note: 除非P/F是唯一的选择,所有辅修课程都必须取得成绩.
ACPHS的医学人文辅修课程为学生提供了医学人文学科方法和主题的基础. 补充他们在基础和社会科学方面的教育, 学生可以使用选修学分来参与生活的非生物方面, health, illness, 和医疗保健实践使用的人文镜头.
Minor In Medical Humanities Required Courses
Students will take two required to complete a total of 18 credits hours divided between foundational (6 credits) and topics oriented (12 credits) courses. 至少9个学分必须达到高级水平(300或更高).
Foundational Courses: 6 required credits
HUM 220: Medical Humanities (3)
ETH 310: Bioethics (3)
主题课程:12个必修学分- 12个学分选自:
ART 105: Introduction to Drawing (3)
ART 215: Figure Drawing (3)
ART 220: Museum Experience (3)
ETH 305:院长荣誉圈特别研讨会
ETH 306:院长荣誉圈特别研讨会
ETH: 315:健康、疾病和医学权威(3)
ETH 410: Special Topics in Bioethics (3)
ETH 510: Health Care and Human Values (3)
HIS 325: History of the Plagues (3)
HIS 330:公共卫生和医学史(3)
HUM 245:种族灭绝时代的人权(3)
HUM 285: Culture and Customs of Senegal (3)
HUM 320: Graphic Medicine (3)
HUM 345: Race and Health (3)
HUM 386:伯利兹的文化、习俗和卫生(3)
LIT 230: The Epic (3)
LIT 260: Aging in Film and Literature (3)
PHI 245:佛教和冥想入门(3)
PHI 260:正念减压(2)
PHI 280:瑜伽的哲学和实践(1)
PHI 345: LGBQ Philosophy and Health (3)
PHI 350 Nature and Wellness (3)
PHI 360:正念减压(3)
PHI 370: Contemplative Studies (3)
PHI 380/PSC 380:大脑,心灵和冥想(3)
*PSY 440: Death and Dying (3)
*SOC 335: Global Health (3)
*替代:心理学或社会科学(PSY或SOC)最多可获得三个学分(一门课程)。, 事先得到人口健康科学主席的许可.
Note: 你的主修科目总共可以用9个学分.
微生物学辅修课程旨在为本学科提供有限但坚实的基础. 课程考察病原微生物的生物学,重点是微生物生理学和遗传学的基本概念. Through the lab associated with its foundational Microbiology course the minor also requires students to develop reasonable expertise in handling and characterizing microorganisms.
Minor in Microbiology Required Courses
辅修课程对所有学位课程的学生开放. However, 建议学生与他们的项目主任和/或教师顾问讨论他们的课程负荷和时间表. 要成功完成辅修课程,学生的净GPA必须达到2分.75 in minor coursework. 辅修课程为本学科三门必修课(10学分)和三门选修课(9学分).
必修课程:10个必修学分BIO 210:微生物学(4)* BIO 370:微生物生理学(3)BIO 340:微生物遗传学(3)
*BSBT students only may substitute CLS 327, CLS 328, CLS 329, 和CLS 330(共8学分)为生物210和选修(共7学分).
Elective Courses: 9 required credits 9 credits selected from the following courses: BIO 240: Virology (3) BIO 365: Medical Parasitology and Mycology (3) BIO 315: Public Health Microbiology (3) BIO 348: Microbial Fermentation (3) BIO 410: Pharmaceutical Microbiology (3) BIO 627G: Innate Immunology (3) BIO 631G: Mammalian Cell Culture (3) BIO 680G: Bacterial Pathogenesis (3) BIO 690G: Viral Pathogenesis (3) CLS 327: Clinical Microbiology I (3) CLS 329: Clinical Microbiology II (3) PBH 350: Epidemiology (3) or PAD 693: Epidemiology I (3) PSC 315: Immunology (3) or CLS 337: Clinical Immunology (3) Other courses by approval of the Minor Coordinator.
Students can declare this minor as soon as the semester during which they are enrolled in their first 200level or higher course towards the minor, 并应不迟于毕业前最后一个学期的补课期结束时申报. 入学时转入ACPHS的先前学分可用于满足次要要求.
Contact: Dr. Nicole Shakerly
The Pre-Med minor (24-25 credits) is available to students at ACPHS and includes six required courses along with two elective courses (one from each of two areas). 本辅修课程旨在为学生提供科学和医疗保健各方面的坚实基础和能力. 课程包括生物医学科学课程, behavioral/ social sciences, and humanities/ communications. In addition, 本辅修课程为学生提供获得医疗保健经验的机会, 学习更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台医学的知识,为医学院和申请过程做好准备.
Minor in Pre-Med Required Courses
Required Courses (18 credits): o Preparation for Health Professions (PPP 380) – 2 credits o Experiential Learning in Healthcare (PPP #XX) - 2 credits o Biochemistry (PSC 311 or CHE 311) - 3 credits o College Physics II (PHY 222) - 4 credits o Organic Chemistry II (CHE 202 or 212) - 4 credits o Literature/ English Course – 3 credits
Biomedical Sciences: o Genetics (BIO 225)- 3 credits o Cell Biology (BIO 235)- 3 credits o Microbiology (BIO 210)- 4 credits o Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 213)- 3 credits o Anatomy and Physiology II (BIO 215) – 3 credits o Immunology (PSC 315)- 3 credits o Molecular Biology (PSC 312)- 3 credits
Behavioral and Social Sciences: o SOC 335 Global Health o HIS 330 History of Public Health and Medicine o COM 330 Intercultural Communication in Healthcare o COM 320 Patient-Provider Communication o ETH 310 Bioethics o SOC 350 Determinants of Health o PBH3xx Human Trafficking (New course. We are preparing the course proposal for Fall 2020) o SOC 325 Medical Sociology o PSY 321 Health Psychology o PSY 440 Death and Dying o ETH 315 Health Disease and Authority in Medicine o HUM 325 Culture and Health in Asia o HUM 320 Graphic Medicine o ETH 410 Special Topics in Bioethics
Contact: Dr. Betsy Brookins
Public Health is an interdisciplinary field that integrates knowledge and skills from a wide range of academic disciplines to promote the health and safety of communities. 公共卫生辅修课程通过强调更广泛的社会文化来补充临床或生物医学科学的教育, structural, 以及个人和人群经历健康和疾病的经济背景. 辅修课程向学生介绍公共卫生的核心观点和能力, including the central role of research, 同时根据学生的兴趣和计划保留个性化课程的灵活性.
Minor in Public Health Required Courses
这门18学分的公共卫生辅修课程对所有ACPHS学生开放. 要成功修完这门辅修课程,GPA至少要达到2分.5 across all minor coursework is required.
公共卫生基础(9学时):•PBH 120公共卫生导论(3学时)
- Foundations in Public Health Selectives (6 credit hours) Two courses chosen from: ETH 310 Bioethics; COM 312 Health Promotion; COM 315 Health Campaigns; PSY 321 Health Psychology; SOC 325 Medical Sociology; HIS 330 History of Public Health and Medicine; SOC 335 Global Health; PBH 345 Community Health Practice; SOC 350 Determinants of Health; SOC 420 Health and Social Policy; PAD 451 US and Global Health Care Systems
- Health Care Selectives (9 total credit hours): Research Selective (3 credit hours) One course chosen from: PBH 210/211 Introduction to Data; SOC 301 Research Methods; PBH 320 Geography of Health; PBH 345 Survey Research Methods; COM 350 Qualitative Methods; PBH 350 Epidemiology; PAD 393 Epidemiology; PAD 636 Statistical Programming; Independent Research with a Public Health Faculty Member (prior approval by minor coordinator required)
- Community Engagement Selective (3 credit hours) One course chosen from: COM 315 Health Campaigns; COM 330: Intercultural Communication in Healthcare; SOC 330 Cultures of Disabilities; PBH 345 Community Health Practice; SOC 350 Determinants of Health; PHI 350 Nature and Wellness; HUM 386: Culture, Customs and Health of Belize
- Health Care Systems Selective (3 credit hours) One course chosen from: ECN 317 Health Economics; COM 320 Patient-Provider Communication; SOC 325 Medical Sociology; HIS 330 History of Public Health and Medicine; ETH 415 Health, Disease, and Authority; PSY 440 Death and Dying; PAD 451 US and Global Health Care System.
Contact: Dr. Allison Burton-Chase